Thursday, November 24, 2011

Saint Patrick salutes me with his cigarette
-- He's just been to his auntie's funeral in Crumlin,
"and I'm awful cold tonight, Darragh".
Short of the bus fare back to Armagh, he's
following a lead from a friend near the station.
Splitting the difference, we make our way towards
Trinity, and when the holy man considers
another banishment I remind him of a latter-day,
ersatz saint who told me to feck back off to Romania…
His eyes are so clear and bright he can see those
snakes and the irony of infinite mercy, then
"D'you know, sometimes, I wish
I were still captive..."
He leaves me at College Green, shouting his
benediction from across the street --
"Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving, Darragh!"


Chinchemozhay said...

Good work dude. Happy Christmas

Chinchemozhay said...

Good work dude. Happy Christmas